Special birthday wishes for one year olds

CANDLES SPLUTTER AS CLOTH DOG HITS HIGH NOTES! Tittering birthday candles, a singing cloth dog and a host of cheery chums are to be found romping around the pages of One is one today.

Looking for something special or different to celebrate a one year olds birthday?

One is one today is a charming birthday book written and illustrated by me, Grange Calveley, creator of the ‘Roobarb’ – children’s British television series.
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The perfect birthday present for a five year old

five year olds birthday book grange calveley

Finding a something different for a five year olds birthday can be hard work.
That’s why 1 to 5 birthday books are the perfect birthday present for a five year old.

Written in an easygoing style for both young children and ‘big kids’ to enjoy, One to Five illustrated Birthday Books follow the adventures of birthday chums One, Two, Three, Four, Five, their cloth dog Ragamuffin, Cake, Bloon, Jelly and The Candles.
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